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On the “advances” in web development since 1995: The rise of e-commerce, online education, and cloud


The world's financial markets have experienced a dramatic increase in globalization in recent years. Global capital flows fluctuated between 2 and 6 percent of world GDP during the period 1980-95, but since then they have risen to 14.8 percent of GDP, and in 2006 they totaled $7.2 trillion, more than tripling since 1995. The most rapid increase has been experienced by advanced economies, but emerging markets and developing countries have also become more financially integrated. As countries have strengthened their capital markets they have attracted more investment capital, which can enable a broader entrepreneurial class to develop, facilitate a more efficient allocation of capital, encourage international risk sharing, and foster economic growth.

On the “advances” in web development since 1995

In summary, this section has reviewed the teacher-centered and learner-centered approaches. While the latter has been widely used in educational theory and practice, it also has at the same time several limitations. In response, a sociocultural approach of development, as described in the following section and as recognized by various scholars (Altinyelken 2010; Mascolo 2005, 2009; Metz 1995; Rogoff 2008), may serve as an alternative conceptual lens to study the intertwined processes of teaching and learning in a context of sociocultural activities.

The sociocultural approach of Rogoff (1990, 1993, 1995, 2003, 2008) may be perceived as a conceptual lens for observing development on three planes, namely community, interpersonal, and personal processes. Each of these processes corresponds to the three concepts that constitute the basis of this approach, that is, apprenticeship, guided participation, and participatory appropriation (Rogoff 1995, 2008). The three concepts share the notion that teaching and learning do not ensue in a teacher-centered or a learner-centered process, but rather in a context of sociocultural activities.

In addition to full-service web development, A Href Interactive has developed the CMBoss Content Management System. This application allows even the most non-technical individuals to update and maintain their website through a user-friendly administration environment (much like your favorite Microsoft Office programs). CMBoss creates a framework for web sites that builds an infrastructure for easy updates and advances in technology.

ACM recently updated its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The revised Code of Ethics addresses the significant advances in computing technology since the 1992 version, as well as the growing pervasiveness of computing in all aspects of society. To promote the Code throughout the computing community, ACM created a booklet, which includes the Code, case studies that illustrate how the Code can be applied to situations that arise in everyday practice and suggestions on how the Code can be used in educational settings and in companies and organizations. Download a PDF of the ACM Code booklet.

Games: Research and Practice (Games) offers a lighthouse for games research that defines the state of the art on games and playable media across academic research and industry practice. Inclusive in community, discipline, method, and game form, it publishes major reviews, tutorials, and advances on games and playable media that are both practically useful and grounded in robust evidence and argument, alongside case studies, opinions, and dialogues on new developments that will change games. For more information and to submit your work, visit the homepage.

The increasing attention indigenous knowledge is receiving by academia and the development institutions has not yet led to a unanimous perception of the concept of indigenous knowledge. None of the definitions is essentially contradictory; they overlap in many aspects. Warren (1991) and Flavier (1995) present typical definitions by suggesting:

A sequel to this book was published by Warren, D.M., Slikkerveer, L.J., Brokensha, D., (1995) "The cultural dimensions of development: indigenous knowledge systems", IT Studies in indigenous knowledge and development, IT Publications, London. It has 47 contributions on agriculture, environment, methods, role of developing organizations that elicit not only the technical aspects of IK but also its cultural context.

Ashby, J.A., T. Gracia, M. del P. Guerrero, C.A. Quirós, I.J. Roa and J.A. Beltrán (1995) "Organizing experimenting farmers for participation in agricultural research and technology development". Paper presented at the Workshop entitled "Traditional and modern systems of natural resource management in Latin America". Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Flavier, J.M. et al. (1995)""The regional program for the promotion of indigenous knowledge in Asia", pp. 479-487 in Warren, D.M., L.J. Slikkerveer and D. Brokensha (eds) The cultural dimension of development: Indigenous knowledge systems. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.

Improvements in state and local public health infrastructure along with innovative and targeted prevention efforts yielded significant progress in controlling infectious diseases. Examples include a 30% reduction from 2001 to 2010 in reported U.S. tuberculosis cases and a 58% decline from 2001 to 2009 in central line--associated blood stream infections (7,8). Major advances in laboratory techniques and technology and investments in disease surveillance have improved the capacity to identify contaminated foods rapidly and accurately and prevent further spread (9--12). Multiple efforts to extend HIV testing, including recommendations for expanded screening of persons aged 13--64 years, increased the number of persons diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and reduced the proportion with late diagnoses, enabling earlier access to life-saving treatment and care and giving infectious persons the information necessary to protect their partners (13). In 2002, information from CDC predictive models and reports of suspected West Nile virus transmission through blood transfusion spurred a national investigation, leading to the rapid development and implementation of new blood donor screening (14). To date, such screening has interdicted 3,000 potentially infected U.S. donations, removing them from the blood supply. Finally, in 2004, after more than 60 years of effort, canine rabies was eliminated in the United States, providing a model for controlling emerging zoonoses (15,16). 2ff7e9595c


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