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OMSI 2 Add-On Citybus I280 Series Free Offline


Updated: Mar 5, 2020

About This Content Back in the mid-80s! With this add-on, the player can take control of a completely new Hungarian bus, adapted to work in Germany, allowing him to take a ride through the streets of Berlin and other cities and towns of Eastern Germany. The bus has a length of 16.5 metres, with its engine located under the floor. A thruster rear axle makes it comfortable to move around the narrow streets of the big cities.During the 90s many buses were re-exported into many ex-Soviet countries. The add-on includes versions made for many cities of some CIS countries (Russia, Belarus).The Ikarus 280.02 is presented in versions from 1984 to 1987. They all differ in both appearance and interior. The bus has a 6-speed manual gearbox and a six-cylinder diesel engine D2156HM6U, which allows it to reach a top speed of 60 km/h. It is adapted to work in Germany, so the road train signs and head parking lights are missing. Also, it differs in the almost complete absence of window leafs in the passenger cabin (2 per section).Version 280.02 1984-1: One of the earlier versions. The bus has old seats and Trilex system diskless wheels .Version 280.02 1984-2: The introduction of mechanical ventilation over the driver's head.Version 280.02 1985 established a new type of Euro disc wheels and new seats in the passenger cabin.Version 280.02 1986: No decorative moulding on the bonnet.Version 280.02 1987 established a new broad rubber moldings. b4d347fde0 Title: OMSI 2 Add-On Citybus i280 SeriesGenre: SimulationDeveloper:BusTrainzPublisher:Aerosoft GmbHRelease Date: 11 May, 2017 OMSI 2 Add-On Citybus I280 Series Free Offline very very complicated,no manual in the bus folder,can\u00b4t get tha plates with destination,total failure,do not buy!. The worst addon ever. The model is very nice, the textures of the driver's cabin and the details are very, very good. The sounds are mostly ok. The bus comes in several versions, but unfortunately they are all rather similar. This is the weakest part of this dlc is the lack of variety - it doesn't include any of the variants with an automatic gearbox, nor any with modern style doors. All in all I'd recommend it , especially for those who like historical buses from the 1980s. Though you might want to wait for a sale if east and central Euro buses aren't your thing.. Expensive, realistic and fantastic! Our memorial bus which named Ikarus is finally here!. Bus is OK, just not quite what I wanted. Had a crash when entering route into the signboard, and could not get signboard to work. No manual?. Mixed feelings about this Bus DLC. The buses are Manual which I like, I bought the gear shifter for my G29 and these buses give me a chance to use it in OMSI(other manual buses are available). The setup takes a while to get used to, the Ibis is controlled by a entering the line and route info on a cassette tap and inserting it into the cassette player which is different. I couldn't get the sign on the front of the bus show the destination but once you enter the info with the menu the people get on the bus. The ticket machine is usually that you have a drawer full of coins rather than a coin dispenser. Overall I do like driving the bus and it on of the most unique bus options, just takes a while to understand how to work everything.. Bus spawns but cannot for the life of me get it rolling or started for that matter. WILL BE REFUNDING.. I like this addon! I did struggle to get the dest. signs to work at first, but then I found out that the dest. signs on Berlin-Spandau map wasn't included. Other than that it's a great and very detailed bus pack! I did find the dest. signs for Berlin-Spandau in a post on Bustrainz website though!Link to post: https:\/\/\/bustrainz?w=wall-47675823_2237. i used like this dlc but since the update the new buses have no brakes and no air pressure :(


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