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the 40 MB thing is ridiculous and compared to other download sites wiiware now looks unjustifiably expensive, some great games on the service but they really should have improved the service with time like allowing bigger games and maybe the odd sale too.

The indie games section doesn't require achievements only xbla. Also the demo is still. A download of the full game with stopping at. A certain point and asking you to pay. Only sony and nintendo does the game is seprate from the demo.

Not a big fan of indie devs and wiiware anyway I think the few games I downloaded were played once maybe twice then never again it was the same with PS3 stuff also. Baldurs Gate was ok 10 years ago on PC not so great anymore. Devs complaining about the 40 meg limit should check-out the VC games for inspiration. Some of them dont come close to that megage and are the best games ever. Megadrive Street Fighter online is the only 40mega and its a good game these whiny developers these days with there 50gig games that are complete rubbish. (Shakes walking cane while smoking pipe sitting on porch)

Honestly, I don't see anything there to be fine with. Wiiware was a terrible service, and I'd say he's justified as an indie developer to never want to work with Nintendo again if this is how they handle things. Unless word gets out through Nintendo's Iron Curtain that the Wii U's download service is a ton more developer friendly, I doubt we'll be seeing much support on Wii U Ware, and for a damn good reason, too.

However, the Wii wasn't ready for a WiiWare service to begin with. The built in memory was severely lacking to be able to hold many games at all, the Wii Shop can't handle large downloads, the 40mb limit was just ridiculous from the start and some, if not most, of the games released were quite rubbish to begin with except for the gems amongst the cow crap.

I'm leaning more towards game review sites as to why sales for games especially downloads aren't going well. Its good for us as gamers so you dont throw down cash on a turd but not good for devs. As soon as a games released these days you have a review on a website within hours tellin us if its great or crap. 20 years ago and more you had to risk buying a game to see what it is like. This brings me back to the point of making a polished game to begin with and they wont have to worry.

The whole 9 months comment is quite misleading. Nintendo certifies games within a couple of weeks after submission, and once they pass they are usually available for download in a few more weeks (unless the developer requests to hold them back for a later date).

9 months of check - Dear Beamdog studio: You should NOT send an unfinished game to Nintendo then. First try to polish it a bit more, because... even the finished release has some freezing issues and people who downloaded MDK2 often report about these annoying crashes!

"The Wii is a toy not a console?" Anyone who said the Wii is not a console is either probably on crack or are alien from out of this planet who don't know what a gaming console is. A system with five of the most iconic and popular franchise ever in gaming (Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Metroid, and Rayman) is 100% a gaming console, not a toy. Saying that the Wii is a toy is like saying a tomato is a vegetable. It's just stupid.

Never heard of them anyhow. Shame they are salty about it. Especially when eShop has made major improvements in regards to Nintendo's download platform that puts the Wii Shop to shame. Their loss if they want to be bitter and want people to miss out on their games.

My daughter enjoys the Five Spots Party and Whiterock Castle titles; I like the retro stuff like Bit.Trip (now on disc so I won't bother with the download versions) and escapeVektor, but mostly I buy Virtual Console stuff for my Japanese Wii.

Only trying to prevent bad games? Then explain the disgusting amount of shovelware on Nintendo's downloadable services. MDK 2 doens't suck, Baldur's Gate doesn't suck and the fanboys acting like this isn't an issue are ridiculous. But then again, what should anybody expect from fanboys. Nintendo has some things that obviously need to change, this highlights one of those things. This is Nintendo's loss, not the other way around.

Whaaa, whaaa, whaaa. Grow up, Oster. Your company will fish where the fish are biting. If the well dries up with, say, Microsoft, and you see Nintendo's download service booming, you'll be on there faster than you can say contradiction.

I can understand his frustrations as the 40MB limit seems very restricting and not paying the devs until there have been 6000 copies sold is just ridiculous but I still think he made a rather hasty decision as I highly doubt that the Wii U's download service will have the same problems if 3DSware is anything to go by as the size limit is much higher and it doesn't employ the same ridiculous 'no pay until 6000 copies have been sold' rule but he just seems bitter and whiny with his petty "Wii is a toy, not a console" comment anyway.

theres no defending Nintendo here and I'm a dedicated fan with no other systems. He wasn't even mean spirited or rude about it just firm. That sounds really frustrating and I can't blame him, he's not the only one they've ticked off with these policies. was anyone else around when WiiWareWorld started as a site and all the talk about how WiiWare was going to be this great new platform for indie developers to try all kinds of new things freely along side the bigger retail games and VC classics? right. Sounds a little like what happened to ios development, instead. Sure they want some Quality control but that's really pushing it. The only indies that ended up being able to afford it are the ones that also had ios hits or the odd PC based cult following previously. I was so excited that I downloaded "critter roundup". ouch. those days are gone.

And for those of you who don't know, MDK is hardly shovelware or a poor game. It was highly regarded at the time of its release and is a fondly remembered title. The problem here is with Nintendo - their online service is so poor that even I, someone who only owns a Nintendo console, has practically nothing to download from the service other than about three of four Virtual Console games a year. There's no promotion of it, it's slow, the game selection is full of shovelware so the decent titles get drowned out, there's little leniency (they should have made size exceptions for decent titles like Super Meat Boy), it's difficult to search the store etc, no enhanced versions of retro games, no place for enhanced ports (Daytona USA, Guardian Heroes, Sonic CD) etc. To make 6000 sales on such an online store, even with a good title, is going to be very tough. It's the reason the VC is also drying up - I can only assume Sega and Capcom are the only ones releasing anything on it recently is because they don't have any competition for sales any more.

Though WiiWare has had very little promotion, it definitely has some worthy titles for download available. There may be shovelware, but a quick look online can distinguish between what deserves your money and what doesn't. There's no reason Nintendo should be lenient towards certain companies. If anything, such an act would just be unfair to other developers. I don't know what you mean about the store being difficult to search. I've used it often and never had any problems. Also, I'd hardly call the lack of enhanced retro games a real problem. Personally, I'm fine with playing SNES games as SNES games.

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