José Rizal's life is one of the most documented of 19th-century Filipinos due to the vast and extensive records written by and about him.[26] Almost everything in his short life is recorded somewhere. He was a regular diarist and prolific letter writer, and much of this material has survived. His biographers have faced challenges in translating his writings because of Rizal's habit of switching from one language to another.
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The content of Rizal's writings changed considerably in his two most famous novels, Noli Me Tángere, published in Berlin in 1887, and El Filibusterismo, published in Ghent in 1891. For the latter, he used funds borrowed from his friends. These writings angered both the Spanish colonial elite and many educated Filipinos due to their symbolism. They are critical of Spanish friars and the power of the Church. Rizal's friend Ferdinand Blumentritt, a professor and historian born in Austria-Hungary, wrote that the novel's characters were drawn from life and that every episode could be repeated on any day in the Philippines.[40]
In 1721 Montesquieu published the Persian Letters, which wasan instant success and made Montesquieu a literary celebrity. (Hepublished the Persian Letters anonymously, but his authorshipwas an open secret.) He began to spend more time in Paris, where hefrequented salons and acted on behalf of the Parlement and the Academyof Bordeaux. During this period he wrote several minor works:Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate (1724), Réflexions surla Monarchie Universelle (1724), and Le Temple de Gnide(1725). In 1725 he sold his life interest in his office and resignedfrom the Parlement. In 1728 he was elected to the AcadémieFrançaise, despite some religious opposition, and shortlythereafter left France to travel abroad. After visiting Italy,Germany, Austria, and other countries, he went to England, where helived for two years. He was greatly impressed with the Englishpolitical system, and drew on his observations of it in his laterwork. 2ff7e9595c