About This Game This is not a big one-hour puzzle game. You need to go through 5 rooms solving the problem. Solve puzzles using cubes, teleports and special panels. Place cubes in order to climb higher or reach your destination. Teleporters serve to quickly move to inaccessible areas. When you click on the panel, the mechanisms that open the doors, rooms and hiding places move. b4d347fde0 Title: H.E.Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, Early AccessDeveloper:KedexaPublisher:KedexaRelease Date: 21 Aug, 2018 H.E. Torrent Download [Torrent] so i tried this game , and the things i saw wasn't really what i was hoping to see , the game has the potential to be great but it just got wasted . first of all is the first that's appears on the screen , the name of the game , it was waaay too ....... classic , it was just like flash games , the game deserves a better beginning second thing is the main menu , the idea of making it 3d was great , but it took me a while to understand that i need to press E , so at least try to show what to press third thing , sounds and music of the game , for the sounds it feels like it was recorded with a mic , and it feels like if the sounds were made for a game in the 90s , and the annoying part about the sounds is the sound of walking , it was just terrible , the music u have chosen was just .... weird , literally the worse thing about the game was the soundsfourth thing and the most important 1 is solving the puzzles , it wasn't really about me being smart or an idiot , the mechanics of the game was extremely random , and it makes u feel lost , it took me while to understand what i'm supposed to do in every single stage , what am i even supposed to do in the fifth stage ?? , i ended up with a white empty room , something like this makes u (the dev) in need to change the stages due to ur bad start making them , eveything about them was bad some other small details u have to look through them too-having an option to restart the stage or at least a checkpoint if anything went wrong-why is there "death" in the game ? and why am i unable to respawn - if it is possible , add more important settings to the game - for me the resolution had a weird problem , the game only fill the quarter of the screen - the light in the game is a little bit broken - the game needs a tutorialthere was some good things in the game but they were few-the physics of the game was so good , don't change anything about it , just remove the fall damage , cause having it in the game is pointless- the price was perfect for the game , it will only lore players who can be a testers, what i'm trying to say is that if it was expensive , it will make the players get angry for having an experience that is supposed to be a testing for the game , not for having fun , but to know the problems of the game so u can fix it without having trouble fighting players who will just say negative things about the game- the parkour is nice , not the best but still feels good , so if u want to change anything about it , make it the last thing to do in the gameagain the game had the potential , it was just not made right , if i wanted to have fun i wouldn't even continue the first stage , but i want to help with developing this game , so i continued as a tester , i know that it may feels hard to make all these fixes and changes but u started working on this game so u can make a game that is perfect for the players , and i want to help u with it , i can't refund but even if i had the changes to do so , i won't do that , the game needs ur attention so keep up the good work. Hyper Expansion is a fun way to waste an hour held back by some really poor design and oversights. I really hope the dev(s) take another shot at it because it has potential.Main Menu: So the main problem here is just weird. Instead of using left click to interact with the buttons you use E. This should be more clearly shown, I sat there for a few seconds before realizing how to continue. First Level: The first level was just bad. You start out in a room with two doors, one of the doors can be clicked open, the other can't, despite both of them being identical. I think you should add something to let the player know which doors can be opened and which can't. After this there is a little wall that you can jump over, im not sure what the point is but I suppose it teaches players that you can jump, which isn't bad. After this there is a huge hole in the wall leading out into a nice looking area, as you get closer a wall rebuilds itself covering up the hole, this is really cool, and it also gives the player the goal of escaping the facility, however, because in the start of the level it isn't explained how the locked door is the escape, I and I assume many other people assume that hole in the wall is the escape, and for nearly 10 minutes afterwards I was trying to escape the wrong way. After this the player must use one of the cubes to reach a ledge, this is a good puzzle as it teaches the player that you can use cubes for movement, but here comes another problem with the game. Cubes. Moving them around is very clunky: if you turn to fast they drop, sometimes they can clip into the player, and often even clicking E they wont pick up. Anyway, after this is a portal to another side of the room. If you are holding a cube it drops, but I was able to glitch a way into making the cube across, although it's useless. After this there is a button, now after clicking it most players will go back to the beggining of the level and see a wall open. After this they will find a preasure plate, which has a sign indicating to stand on it. The problem is, players don't know how these works. Most people assume that their effect will only apply when standing on them, but the game makes its effect apply when you are standing on them and a little bit afterwards. The sollution to this is to make it so whatever the preasure plate effects in in view of the player while standing on it, this way the player will know that the effect applies while standing on it and afterwards. In addition, players dont know if cubes work on the preasure plates either. It's also really stupid that the escape door is behind a closed wall. Because of this I didn't notice it was open, and thought the preasure plate was useless. What I'm trying to say: The game should introduce players to its mechanics in a simple and easy to understand way, where how they work is explained, and other ways to use them is used later in the game.Level 2: Level 2 is based off of trial and error which is very bad. There should never be guessing in a puzzle game.Level 3: Level 3 doesn't work because of level 1. After getting here I still did not understand the preasure plates very well which was a problem. Also, fall damage was randomly introduce. This sould have been something in level 1 first so players know it exist. Also when you die you have to restart the game, that is just idiotic. Level 4: Level 4 was just a bunch of random mechanics, some new, some old, thrown together. Not good.Level 5: I have yet to beat level 5.Bugs: Preasure plates can be activated just by being above them. For exapmle standing on a ledge. There are tons of graphical bugs which i cant really explain. If the game was perfect: Even if the game didn't have any of these issues it would still be flawed. Why? It lacks what every puzzle game needs, a main mechanic. Cubes on buttons are not unique or interesting enough to be such. Examples: The portal gun from portal, time travel from braid, the sketchbook from scribblenauts. I have not finished the game. I dont intent to. I will not refund the game. I really hope you take another shot at a puzzle game, possibly a remake, and improve on these issues. The main reason this game doesnt work is because the puzzles are based on figuring out the mechanics, not using them.. Jumps are useless.
H.E. Torrent Download [Torrent]
Updated: Mar 5, 2020